We appeal to your generosity to remain a social institution, open and accessible to all, regardless of their income.
In 2025, we need CHF 99,000 for our social fund, so that we can continue to offer lower rates to couples and families on low incomes.
Did you know that the OPCCF is
- about 500 couples or families received each year in couple or family therapy, parental guidance, family mediation, or in discussion groups for children whose parents are separated,
- more than 2,500 consultations adapted to each individual’s income
Each person is welcomed without distinction of nationality, income, religion, sexual orientation or identity, by a team of trained couple counsellors, couple therapists, family psychotherapists and mediators.
We need your support to enable everyone to benefit from our consultations.
Your generosity is welcome. You can choose to :
- make a donation to the account of the OPCCF, IBAN number: CH12 0900 0000 1201 8613 1, BIC POFICHBEXXX
- scan this QR code in your banking application,

- or to receive our calls for donations. To do so, we invite you to send us your postal address via the form below.
Thank you!